An Idea is interested in anything that is genuine, comes from the heart, and can benefit others, from Originators all over the world.
We encourage the Originators to come up with an idea reflecting their own thoughts and opinion.
We support the Originators to publish their Idea in a simple and splendid way by following the below guidelines:
Short captivating title with sub-title of an idea
About yourself (Founder)
The textual content about your idea
Graphs provide more perception of the data and hence make it easy to understand the market.
What result does your idea will create for your niche market?
Mission & Vision
To join us as an originator, send your interest through the Contribution To An Idea form, so that we can review your Idea.
We review all submissions within 3 business days. If your idea is a good fit for our publications/listing and follows all guidelines then it will be accepted and added to the queue
to be published/listed soon. We rarely take longer than that to respond. But if we do, please forgive us — we’re having a hectic week.
So now list your ideas to access all these benefits.
NO crazy contracts and NO risk.
Easily cancel your membership at any time.